How to Write Articles SEO Friendly

It could be all the way SEO article writing mentioned above has to do, but if other blogs applying other techniques from the results of experiments and it worked Ranking # 1, then there is no word, you should observe and analyze what are the secrets of the techniques that he do it. The trick is to pay attention to how to write, especially how sentences compiled, the placement of the keywords in the article, how many repetitions of keywords in the article and others that may even be the trigger sepeleh seems but it could rank better than your blog.
Were it not for avoiding my blogspot blog attacked, I will show proof of where most of the articles I write with a very long and always won the first page one ranking even at google. And indeed the google algorithm nowadays always wins the article with the number of syllables at most, I can give some concrete evidence of the results of the study some master SEO sites below:

But even so, Caraspot still reminded that simplicity should always be emphasized, lest they expect all the articles you write all long until eventually even become lazy blogging. Basically, this technique is done if it is a heavy-weight competitors, but if the data of Adword Keyword Planner just mentioned that the theme of the 'low' competitors then write simple enough to enter the first page of a search.

4. Give your full attention to the first paragraphs

Some sources say that if you want to write a good seo techniques then one of them is to try the keywords included in the first 100 words you write, or at least does not exist between the first and second sentences. You can do the research for this, just try to type in a phrase in google, then the incoming page 1 always shown bold in the first paragraph which was also contained in the title.

Maybe you also meet a lot of blogs on a given final paragraph bold or bold too, this can only be done but should not be too excessive in giving bold the word or the same sentence because it raises suspicions of a 'spider' google.

5. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

Tricks how to write articles that SEO Friendly times is arguably the most joss ... in attracting the attention of google to give us good grades, and if in-language-Indonesia-right can be defined as "a group of words or syllables which have the same or relevance to the targeted keywords, or it can also be defined with synonyms or words that have the same topic. You probably will not find these tips on other blogs, let alone that just went along with posting about this theme, because this is actually only done by the Master bloggers, especially those from abroad. The author himself has even seen the video directly from the Google statement about the effect of this technique.

Before writing the article then try to do this, how can the try typing in the search engine title we are going to write, well look at the very bottom, after 10 blogs on the first page, there are several alternative search right, well that's what you wrote and try to put in a paragraph at random in your article. But not to repeat too much because it will cause the opposite effect.

6. Optimization with Backlink

Although the google algorithm is updated thousands of times yet still the name of backlinks always be a concern though perhaps portions are reduced or tightened. CaraSpot advised to give a link to a page of articles that have been written with "air-pagerank link", but remember! Do not be too excessive, you can schedule it in a day let alone three links, and so on continue again tomorrow with varied anchor text. It would be better to find backlinks in the article, not comment, because according to Google's release of its own that today they gave a lot of penalties in the millions of blogs are spam by way of commenting, for that, from now on refrain from such actions. 1 backlink but better quality, which is a link in the article, from the hundreds but all are not qualified.
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